So, apparently, people actually have read this blog. I haven't the foggiest idea why somebody would want to do that, but I suppose it means that I actually ought to post here once in a while. I guess I can at least try. I'll start with the last, you know, three months.
It's been at least as crazy a semester as I thought it would be. I ended
up pulling a few more academic all-nighters than is strictly good for
me, but I think I survived anyway. Some surprises included Discrete
being a much more challenging class than I had anticipated and
ChunkyString (the CS70 reimplementation of C++'s std::string
using an efficient chunked list data structure) being somewhat
anticlimactic. Barring any surprises during finals next week, I think I
even managed to pass everything. Okay, that's about it for the school
The downside of posting so infrequently is that so much has happened over the last three months, it seems like nothing at all has happened. <insert joke about congruence mod three months here>. So I don't really know what to write. Maybe I'll write more later if the urge strikes me. I've got some ProbStat homework to do, then a lab to hand in, then finals to study for. Adieu, anonymous reader.
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