Hello again invisible readers. Just thought I'd relate all of the terribly interesting things that have been happening lately...
- Chemistry test today. Could have been much worse. Trust me. Quantum chemistry can get hairy, but it didn't.
- Did some more work on CSS/PROFILE today. Eugh. Can't the various people who want to know about my finances (IRS, Department of Education, College Board, Harvey Mudd, Bank of America, etc.) just get together and only make me go through all of this once instead of a million times?
- Watched yesterday's House today. 'twas awesome, 'nuff said.
- Also watched yesterday's Stargate SG-1. I noticed that Claudia Black has full billing now, neat. It wasn't a particularly innovative episode, but it was well executed, which makes me happy.
Yay? I guess that's good stuff. Now I've got to go do some homework. It never ends.
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