Mastodon Move

Unfortunately, the Mastodon server I've been on for the last few years (; since 2018) is shutting down next month. Thankfully, the decentralized nature of Mastodon means that it's pretty easy to jump ship to another server1, and there are even semi-automated migration tools. Since Twitter seems to be about to dive back into being the hosting platform of choice for neo-nazis, I don't want there to be any gap in my Fediverse access; I've set up a new Mastodon account at @roguelazer@tenforward.social2. Hopefully it'll be another great community, like was.


Compare and contrast to how annoying it was when shut down in 2014

2 is, of course, named after the bar on the Enterprise-D in TNG. It seems to have originally been Star Trek-themed, but now is just generally nerdy.

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