Scripting is what makes Unix-like operating systems great. Every *nix, be it Linux, BSD, OS X, AIX, Solaris, or whatever other random distribution you can come up with, comes with a capable shell (or three) and a good set of basic utilities. Where a Windows administrator has to either fall to the horror that is Batch files, write code in a big, heavy programming language language, or submit to the terrible dominance of “management utilities”, a Unix system administrator has tons of the tools at his disposal to fix and automate things. I could talk about scripting forever (it is a substantial portion of my job), but today I'm just going to talk about one small facet: waiting for things to happen.
Waiting for Completion
In the course of writing a script, it's not unusual to want to do things asynchronously. If you have to download three different files, then you can probably download them at the same time without saturating your Internet connection. In the course of using the shell, one of the first things you learn about is simple job control with the ampersand. But putting an ampersand at the end of your command line, it will run in the background and you can get work done. For example:
roguelazer@sietchtabr % wget http://path/to/big/file.tar.bz2 &
[1] 9500
roguelazer@sietchtabr % echo "I'm doing additional work"
I'm doing additional work
roguelazer@sietchtabr %
[1] + done wget
But, of course, you can't just fire off jobs and forget about them when
you're writing a script. You generally want to know when they've
finished so you can, you know, do something with their output. In C,
after forking, you use the wait(2)
and waitpid(2)
system calls to do
this; in a Bourne-compatible shell, you use the wait(1)
builtin. When
called with no arguments, it waits for all backgrounded children; when
called with an argument list of PIDs, it waits for the named PIDs. So
you might write the following script:
wget http://path/to/file1.tar.gz &
wget http://path/to/file2.tar.gz &
if [ "$(md5sum file1.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}')" != "$(md5sum file2.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}')" ] ; then
print "ERROR: file1 differs from file2"
And, of course, this works with subshells as well as external programs:
) &
) &
echo "Things 1-4 all finished"
Waiting for Signals
Signals are one of the fundamental interprocess communication methods in
Unixen. Signals let one process send a message to another, reliably. The
system uses them to tell you everything from when your child processes
quit to when you exceed ulimits to when timers go off. In C, you would
use the signal(2)
system call to set up signal handlers and the
system call to send them. In the shell world, we use trap(1)
to listen for them and kill(1)
to send them. For example, if we were
to name the following file
moo() {
echo "MOO"
exit 1
trap moo USR1
while true ; do
sleep 1
We could then run it in one window while calling
pkill -USR1 -f
, and we would see the "moo" print out.
Waiting for the File System
(This tip is Linux-only; sorry BSD/OS X users)
It happens now and again that you want to wait for a file system event.
This came up for me just the other day; I was writing a wrapper script
for apache2ctl
which would perform an action after apache had
completely started up. However, apache2ctl
returns immediately. I
thought for a moment, and then remembered that apache writes out a PID
file after it had started up. So I just needed to wait for that, and
I'd be golden.
In the old days, we would have to use a busy loop for this. Something like the following:
apache2ctl -f ~/.httpd/conf/httpd.conf -k start
while [ ! -e ~/.httpd/run/ ] ; do
sleep 1
slept=$(( $slept + 1 ))
if [ $slept -ge 5 ] ; then
exit 1
# do thing with apache here
This is ugly! Thankfully, we have a better way now. Linux has included a
functionality called inotify since 2005 which lets you tell the
kernel to tell you when things happen in the file system. Perfect! But
using the C API for it is rather a pain in the butt. Oh, if only we
could have a handy shell utility to use. Oh wait, we can. The package is
called inotify-tools, and the most important tool is
. Let's go back to our earlier example with
We can now use the following:
apache2ctl -f ~/.httpd/conf/httpd.conf -k start
inotifywait -qq -e create -e modify ~/.httpd/run/ -t 5
if [ $? -eq 2 ] ; then
exit 1
# do thing with apache here
This version is much better than the busy-wait version. inotifywait
has a bunch of options, and I encourage you to check it out of you're
doing any kind of filesystem monitoring.
So, this is a little introduction on some neat ways to add barrier
points to your asynchronous bits of your shell scripts. There's a lot
more (waiting for network things with netcat
, using a system event
system like upstart
, or even a message-bus like dbus
), but this
should get you started. I hope you've found this useful, and that you'll
join me in my next installment of “*nix Tip of the Day”. Ciao!
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