Here's a surprising change for you: Python 3.7.6 (ostensibly, a patch bugfix release) totally changed how URLs are parsed by Python programs.
As of Python 3.7.5, a URL like foo:8888
would be parsed into the following:
>>> urllib.parse.urlparse('foo:8888')
ParseResult(scheme='', netloc='', path='foo:8888', params='', query='', fragment='')
As of Python 3.7.6, foo
is now detected as the scheme:
>>> urllib.parse.urlparse('foo:8888')
ParseResult(scheme='foo', netloc='', path='8888', params='', query='', fragment='')
This will cause massive chaos if you are ever parsing URLs with ports in them but without schemes. The relevant Python bug is bpo27657. I consider this to be a major regression, especially since it was introduced in a patch release.
Good luck out there...
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