Hello gentle readers... You may be surprised to notice that this website has had a redesign. I was on earlier and noticed that Srini's Fluid-Blue WordPress theme had been updated to F2, which is newer and shinier. So, of course, I had to install the new one and redo my customizations of colors and such. And once I'd done that, it was really worth my time to do some additional customization, like adding a Google Custom Search box. Ayuh.
You also might have noticed the new logo. Yes, I know, it's not very good. Oh well. If you didn't notice it, it looks like the following (click for a nice SVG version that I wanted to put on the site proper, but didn't out of sympathy for old browser users):
It's just the letters "RL" (for RogueLazer, not for any silly clothing manufacturer) in GTS. I don't really play Vendetta Online much any more, but I do appreciate that it's an awesome game and I support the devs. Plus, I was on the team of players that deciphered GTS back in, um, 2003? So I feel that it is useful for a logo.
Anyhow, feel free to let me know what you think. Or not, if you prefer. The redesign was definitely a better way to spend an afternoon than doing homework, no matter whether it's any good or not...
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