sietchtabr reboot

I have a VM slice that I use to run DNS, a bzflag server, and a few other incidental things. This is what I see on it right now:

% uptime
12:05:13 up 450 days, 15:17,  5 users,  load average: 1.93, 1.35, 0.60

It's currently running Debian lenny, but I decided that I wanted to get with the times and upgrade it to squeeze. As expected the upgrade was fairly painless (took me a bit to figure out that booting by label was broken and I needed to boot by disk UUID), but it's kind of disheartening to see this:

% uptime
12:48:44 up 3 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.30, 0.27, 0.11

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