Just Finished
For All Mankind Season Two. This season had a lot of slow moments, and more of Karen than I really wanted but holy shit did those final two episodes deliver. If you've bought an Apple product in the last couple of years, you get this for free, so you might as well watch it!
Half-Way Through
Babylon 5 Season Three. I'd never seen any B5 and $SPOUSE
and I decided to watch it over lockdown. It's pretty fun seeing
how much DS9 stole from this show. My main complaint is that I don't really care about any of the human characters and
really just want to watch the "Londo and G'Kar screw up the galaxy" show.
Just Started
Mythic Quest Season One. We're always on the hunt for a half-hour comedy to watch during nap-time, and this one's pretty good. Unlike Silicon Valley, this doesn't remind me of my day job too much. Came into it expecting Danny Pudi to be the main draw but Charlotte Nicdao really steals the show. Season Two comes out in a few weeks!
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