GPG (2013 Update)
In light of all of the hullabaloo about PRISM and other spying
technology, I thought it'd be good to remind all of your dear readers
that we've had the technology to ensure private communications on the
Internet for 22 years in the form of Pretty Good Privacy (and
the much-more-commonly-used implementation, GnuPG). Ars Technica had
an okay article about e-mail encryption with PGP which I recommend
reading, although you should keep in mind that most security
professionals would consider infrastructural PKI like SSL and S/MIME to
be compromised by nation-state-level adversaries (and all associated
MIC contractors).
Anyhow, my GPG Key ID is 0x568427E9480196A4
and it's in all of the
regular keyservers (as well as being at, and my previous key
) has been revoked with revocation information
also pushed to all regular keyservers. Obviously, you shouldn't trust my
key unless its signatures fall in your Web of Trust, but I'd be glad to
participate in any bay-area signing parties (or perhaps a key-signing
Google Hangout). If only software companies would start producing
software that properly supports end-to-end encryption and signing...
Hello dear readers. I just thought i'd give you a life update, since
it's been nearly a year since my last post. In no particular order, some
things that have happened since then:
- I've been dating a lovely young woman for the last eight or so
months who actually gives me a reason to go home from work at the
end of the day. Which is a refreshing change!
- I got some new musical instruments and computers and things (my
custom shop '52 reissue tele is pretty much the most pleasant guitar
I've ever played, even if it is ridiculously extravagant).
- I'm leaving my position at yelp this Friday and moving to
uber. I'm bitter enough to be tired of the petty politics at the
place I'm leaving, but optimistic enough to think that there won't
be any at the place I'm going to. It's a... delicate balance.
I'm sure I'll come back and post tech things here again at some point
but, well, there's my annual personal update. Cheers!
<3 sed
I wrote a fun sed script today:
sed -E -n -e ':t ; s/(.{21})(.*)/\\bf\{\1\}\n\2/ ; p ; s/\\bf\{(.*)\}\n.*/\1/ ; h ; :q { n ; G ; s/(.{21})(.*)\n\1/\2/ ; tp ; s/(.+)\n.*/\1/ ; bt} ; :p { P ; bq }'
Short, but effective. Can you figure out what it does?
(solution after the break)
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Link: PHP sucks
One of my co-workers wrote up this gem on why PHP sucks. I don't
agree with his points (having a "development server" isn't an important
or even particularly useful feature of a framework, much less a
language; prepared statements aren't the pinnacle of SQL), but he does
do a good job of showing off some of PHP's more spectacular failings.
I'm naming all of my PHP functions __lambda_object
(yes; I do appreciate the irony of linking to his post from a formerly PHP site)
Debt Free Since 2012
As of today, February 10, 2012, I am now officially debt-free. I decided
to use my tax refund to pay off the rest of my student loans, which have
been sucking down thousands of dollars a month since I graduated. Here
are the results:
Yep. It took a few days longer than expected, because Sallie Mae is
terrible at ACH. And, of course, their obnoxious rounding means that at
some point in the next six months, I'm going to get a cheque from Sallie
Mae for 80¢ (presumably plus 6.8% interest). But it's pretty nice to be
This is going to be the worst post ever for attracting spam-bots, isn't
My Storage Problem
Storage is cheap, or so we're told. Amazon will sell me storage for
$0.055/GB/month in “the cloud”; 3.5" hard drives are hovering
around $0.06/GB. However, my laptop has a little 250GB SATA drive that
is (a) slow and (b) getting full. So I desire to replace it with a fast
little SSD. But that raises the question of what to do with my stuff.
I'm asking you, Internet. Details below the fold.
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60,000 scrobbles
I used to post these on Facebook as Notes, but since the Timeline
refactor, I frankly have no idea how to use Notes; so I guess I'll just
post on my own blog. I use (me) to track my
music-listening habits (and sometimes for other things). As of some time
recently, I've passed 60,000 scrobbled plays since 2006. Yay!

Here's a graph I made (click for ps version; gnuplot continues to be
the best thing ever):

Cheers, all.
Merry 2012
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but Merry 2012. As a sort of
celebration, here's my favorite animated GIF of all time (courtesy of
Evan a long time ago):

Maybe I'll actually write some useful content this year.
Kindle vs. Kindle
So, you might have heard about Amazon's
new Kindles. They're kind of a big thing. There's even talk that
Jeff Bezos is the New Steve Jobs
, which is kind of silly, but
serves to underscore the point that Amazon is big news these days.
Anyway, you might also remember from an earlier post of mine that I
have a Kindle 2. Well, when I saw the new Kindles, I couldn't resist. So
now I also have a Kindle 4 (non-touch). It's pretty awesome. Let's start
with some sexy comparison shots (flickr set):
The most stunning thing about the new Kindle is, without a doubt, its
size. My old Kindle 2 is 290g, my new Kindle is 160g. That's a very
noticeable difference. I imagine that most of the weight savings comes
from losing the useless keyboard. Which is, in turn, possible because
the screen refresh is approximately 90,000 times faster. In my
scientific opinion.
Aside from those hardware differences? It's still a Kindle. The software
is the Kindle software (and now I know one of the guys who wrote it,
so I have somebody to blame for java.lang.Integer
errors), which is
cool. There are some little tweaks, like the option to decrease
inter-line spacing, but it's the same e-reader software that I know and
love. I've gotten two and a half years of great use out of my Kindle 2,
from reading the Times every morning on the subway from the 116th St.
station to the 14th St. station in 2009 through reading the Times
every morning while I ponder the San Francisco fog in 2011. Books are
awesome, and eBooks are eAwesome. For $109 (without ads), how can you
say no?
What about the other new Kindles, the Kindle Touch and Kindle
Fire? Well, I think the Touch is pretty ridiculous. I've never had an
urge to touch my Kindle's screen to change the page. Why would I pay
$30 more for the privilege of touching the screen (and also the
"privilege" of 50g extra mass)? And the Kindle Fire is cool hardware for
an amazing price, but scary software. All the bad things I've said
recently about Chrome breaking the internet (with 60-second socket
timeouts and speculative prefetching) are nothing compared to the mess
that is Amazon Silk. But that's all a post that can wait until the
products are actually released next month. I have an iPad and
a TouchPad, so I don't think I'm in dire need of any new tablet
computers for a little while.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I should go read a book or something.
I got one of the Internet-legendary $99 TouchPads (well,
$149 actually, but whatever). As some of you may know, I was an
enormous Palm fanboy during the 90's. So it was pretty inevitable that I
would end up purchasing one of their WebOS products, even though there's
not a lot in common between this and Jeff Hawkins' wooden cutout Palm Pilot.
Anyhow, this is probably going to be the nerdiest review of
the TouchPad posted on the Internet. It mostly is concerned with
keyboard mappings. Enjoy!
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